Merbau Timber is one of the most used timbers in the furniture industry. Many factors set apart the Merbau wood from its counterparts of Teak and Oak. Revered as “God’s tree”, the Merbau sawn timber is specially used to construct temple doors, chariots, and other holy infrastructures. Therefore, the wood is known as “Holy Wood”. Not only the wood appears impressive but also it caters to the need of fine furnishing at the house as well as office.
Merbau wood is attributed with plural names, depending on its popularity in varied regions. These names comprise Kwila wood, Malaysian Vengai wood and Merbau. Belonging to the Instia Bijuga, this Vengai wood is found to be cultivated in Southeast Asian countries, Pacific islands, Australia and many other parts of the world. Moreover, the particular name of the Kwila wood is designated according to the region it is exported, for eg. Indonesia Kwila wood, Africa Kwila timber and so on so forth.
Characteristic of the Merbau tree

Merbau tree is a flowering species of a Pea family. The tree grows to the maximum height of 60 metres. Besides, the trunk expands to the measure of two feet. The vastness of the tree makes it appear like a canopy. Brilliant by its structure, the heartwood of Merbau is yellow-range in its colour. And the sapwood shows a white or pale shade, a little different from the heartwood. The unique quality of this wood is that the colour deepens to reddish-brown as it grows older. Besides, this Vengai is gifted with oily odour due to the presence of oil in its matrix.
Commonly used to create door frames, window frames, shutters, the Merbau wood price is also cheaper than the other similar hardwoods. Let us learn the 12 laudable qualities about the best timber in the market.
Qualitative Kwila Hardwood

Not only it belongs to the club of Hardwoods but also by its physical property it is hard and strong wood. Merbau timber possesses a Janka rating of 1850. This rate is higher than the Teak wood, Black walnut wood, and Oakwood. This characteristic renders appropriateness for the construction of those parts of the house or office furniture that face a quantity of load and tension. These comprise flooring, staircase, cladding and wardrobes.
Hardwoods are known to be fire-resistant and are lesser prone to natural decay. Therefore, choosing Kwila hardwood for the residence or commercial furnishing over other varieties is the precise choice.
Durability of Merbau Sawn Timber

One of the important reasons, Kwila or Malayasian Vengai wood are well known for their durability. Boasting high density as well as hardness, the Merbau timber is popular in the market of interior design. The wood has stable dimensions and can resist extreme weather. Also, it can sustain its integrity from unsuitable conditions like humidity and salty atmosphere. This aspect of the wood arises from the inbuilt flow of oil. The presence of oil builds a protective sheath to these natural and artificial disturbances.
Vengai, thus, wins the hearts of many. Over the years, by its growing popularity, the Vengai wood price has seen a considerable change in the statistics.
Spitting and Cracking

Presence of the oil in the Merbau sawn timber delivers commendable flexibility to the wood. This helps in bypassing unforeseen tensions projected on the wood. Thus, this wood is not prone to natural splitting or cracking. If you think of timber decking then Merbau is the excellent selection in the category of solid hardwoods.
Moreover, Merbau also possesses the component of Tannin, which shields the wood from salt and rainwater. This feature controls and avoids shrinkage. Also, it leads to the provision of considerable strength in the wood.
Multiplicity in Utilization

Due to its exceptional durability, resistance to inevitable conditions, easy maintenance and budget-friendly Vengai wood price, Merbau could be used in multiple renderings of furniture. Ranging from kitchen cabinets to bathroom trays, to door and window frames as well as shutters, Merbau appeals all the interior designers and architects.
Timber decking, timber flooring, timber framing, timber staircase, handrails and many other technical applications could be effortlessly carried out with Kwila hardwood. Your home or office will not only shine but also will catch the eyes of the envious.
Minimal Maintenance

The best and a convenient thing about Merbau is that it demands minimal maintenance. Equipped with the capability to resist harsh temperatures and weather conditions, it can sustain for a longer period without a much of preservation expected.
Merbau is solid hardwood. Thus, due to the presence of tracheids, it is lesser prone to decomposition or any other type of degradation. It could be swept and mopped without a much change in its appearance.
Radiant Appearance

There is an evident variation in the colour of heartwood and sapwood, which is yellow-orange and off-white, respectively. This colour gradient of the wood transforms to reddish-brown as the time passes by. Not only the deep colour is profusely attractive but also the natural gloss that develops is admirable. The natural gloss is due to the presence of oils.
Furthermore, the unique selling point of the wood is that the grain of Kwila timber contains gold flecks. This widespread gold hue adds to this stunning and radiant appearance of the Kwila wood. To keep the colour at bay from ageing or mishappenings, it is imperative to coat the timber with oil or relative protective solvent.
Termite Resistant

Apart from Durability and strength, Merbau wood is also resistant to pests and termites. Termites are very tiny insects that generally attack wood, causing it hollow from the within. The low-quality woods are prone to termite offence. This results in inefficient decor and short-life products.
Capable to ward off the termites, the Malaysian Vengai wood perfectly seasons with kiln-heating and air drying. Therefore, this feature makes it coveted timber thereby helping to create a trustworthy environment in commercial spaces.
Workability of the Merbau

Working on the Merbau is convenient, smooth and effective. The wood, possessing a greater degree of toughness, helps in achieving finesse in the furniture products. The carpenter can turn, cut, saw, and buff the wood with dexterity, convenience and lesser energy. Although this timber bleeds, a few precautionary techniques can resolve this shortcoming.
The wood has a good capacity to be painted and efficiently polished. It can be worked upon using hand tools and advanced machinery. The cutting, shaping, turning, burnishing and polishing makes the engineering of the wood compatible.
Merbau flooring is a very popular term in the market. Owing to ease in fabricating wooden stripes the processing of the floor becomes quick, refined, and versatile.
High-Density Merbau

The Vengai timber density is considerably higher than the other counterparts. Being an excellent hardwood, the density of the wood is 800kg/m3, including more than 12 per cent of moisture. With this count, it is comparatively 23 per cent higher than teak. The high density of the wood makes it eligible for higher-end constructions like ships, roofs, etc.
Concerning home furnishing, the greater density helps in improving the load-bearing quality. Not only they can withstand weight but also unexpected blows by daily objects surrounding a piece of furniture.
Coordinated texture and even Grain surface

Kwila Timber, known for its charming appearance, is endowed with a disciplined flow of grains. Although it is coarse but due to fine distribution and evenness it delivers a praiseworthy smoother surface.
Either the grain in interlocked or straight or occupies ribbon figuring. These variants of grain distribution generate an appealing exterior of the wood. The attractive visual of the Vengai timber draws more attention than other heartwoods in the market thereby reducing the Vengai wood price.
Smoother Touch

The even grain-distribution decreases the overall coarseness of this timber. Apart from the grains and the pores, the oily facet of the Merbau moisturises the surfaces of the processed wood. This quality not only retains the lustre but also provides a classic finesse to a final commodity of furniture in the residential or commercial lobbies.
Budget-Friendly Kwila

Being resistant to termites, possessing a charming look and easy to work on, the quick turnout of the woodworking presents as one of the qualitative timbers in the furniture market. Due to this, Merbau wood price has gradually become lesser than the price of the other alike woods like Oak, Teak and mahogany.
Kwila timber thus rules the furniture business. Kwila wood price is within the budget, it helps in planning the home décor with much satisfaction.
Sustainable Kwila/ Merbau/ Vengai

The home or office is more about longevity than the short term. One cannot design the space with low-quality wood furnishings. Neither it accommodates the schedule nor the financial budget. Keeping in mind the essential concerns, Kwila wood price suits the needs of a resident or a professional. And the durability earns it a sustainable identity. It can last for more than 50 years with minimal maintenance.
Do plan your decor with the absolute Merbau, a timber for all kinds of spaces!